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Dromea Racing Running Club, in corporation with Klirou Community Council are organizing"Klirou Atovrisi 2020" running event, sponsored by Mikel Coffee Company Cyprus. The event will take place on Sunday 08 March 2020, with all races starting and finishing at the front of Klirou Community Council . The event will host the following races:

07:30 am: Mikel KLIROU ATOVRISI Trail 23km (950m ascent) for experienced runners, 18 years old and above. The entry fee is set at €25.

09:00 am: Mikel KLIROU ATOVRISI Cross Country 12km for runners 18 years old and above. The entry fee is set at €15.

09:15 am: Mikel KLIROU ATOVRISI Charity 4km for runners 12 years old and above. Entry fee is set at €10. All proceeds from the race will be donated the Cyprus Association for Children with Cancer and Related Diseases “One Dream, One Wish”.

09:20 am: Mikel KLIROU ATOVRISI Kids 600m, for children up to 12 years old. Entry fee is set at €3 and all proceeds from the race will be donated the Cyprus Association for Children with Cancer and Related Diseases “One Dream, One Wish”.

Registrations will ONLY be made through Dromea Racing website www.dromearacing.com/races until 02/03/2020 and registration fees are non-refundable. Runners who register until 24/02/2020 will have the opportunity to receive their participation package from any ACS COURIER store of their choice as well having their name printed on the race BIB number.

There will be symbolic prizes for the first six (6) men and women of the 23km and 12km races, as well as for the first three (3) men and women of the 4km race. For the kids race, symbolic prizes will be given to the first three (3) boys and girls of ages 6-9 and 9-12 respectively.

Results 12th Annual Bank of Cyprus Run With Us

Dear fellow runners

The results of the 12th Annual Bank of Cyprus Run With Us have been uploaded under the Results / 2019 / 12th Annual Bank of Cyprus Run With Us tab in this website. 

We would like to thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you again at the next Dro.Me.A. Racing event.


Drο.Me.A Racing Club would like to invite you to the 12th Bank of Cyprus «Run With Us» annual race on Sunday 01/12/2019. The event includes 5km and 10km road races, a 800m kid's race as well as a 5km Corporate Charity Race (all proceeds of the corporate race will be donated to support the work of the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Center).

The races will start at 10:00 am at the Athalassa National Forest Park (200m from the park entrance near the roundabout of Nicosia General Hospital). Registrations will ONLY be possible online through the Club's website www.dromearacing.com and will close automatically on Tuesday 26/11/2019. At the same time, participants who register until 18/11/2019 (midnight) will have the opportunity to collect their race numbers from an ACS COURIER shop of their choice while their name will be printed on their BIB.

The participation fee is 10 Euros for the 5 km (eligible for 16 years old and over), 15 Euros for the 10 km (eligible for 16 years old and over) and 200 Euros for the Corporate Charity Race for up to 25 people (for entries over of 25 people a 5 Euros fee will be charge per additional person).

Participants who register after 18/11/2019 will be able to collect their race numbers on the race day between 08:00 - 09:30 am. All participants will receive a finishing medal. Prizes will be given to the first 6 men and 6 women of each race (5 and 10km), while prizes for the 5km Corporate Charity Race will be awarded to the first 3 teams (the average time of the first 5 finishers from each team will be accounted).

The 800m kid's race is free of charge and registrations will also be made online via the website. Parent consent is required for persons under 18 years of age.

The 10km race is dedicated to the memory of Kostakis Loucaides, a former board member of KOA and former track and field champion.

The aim of the event is to promote social sports to the local society, boost sports culture and pave the way towards a more active lifestyle in an effort to prevent severe diseases such as cancer.

Main Sponsor of the event is the Bank of Cyprus. The main Sponsor of Dro.Me.A Racing for 2019 is Cablenet. The event is supported by Kykkos Natural Mineral Water, Webarts, ICE POWER, Theopisti Nut Butters, ACS Courier and the FOREST DEPARTMENT. The whole event is under the auspices of KOEAS.

Results 10th Cablenet Run The Park

Dear fellow runners

The results of the 10th Cablenet Run The Park have been uploaded under the Results / 2019 / 10th Cablenet Run The Park tab in this website. 

We would like to thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you again at the next Dro.Me.A. Racing event.

10th Cablenet RUN the PARK 2019

Το Σωματείο Δρo.Με.Α. Racing διοργανώνει τον 10ο ετήσιο αγώνα CABLENET Run the Park στο πάρκο Αθαλάσσας το Σάββατο 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019, η ώρα 9.00 π.μ.

Η εκδήλωση περιλαμβάνει αγώνες δρόμου 5 χλμ, αγώνα σκυταλοδρομίας 2 Χ 2χλμ, εταιρικό φιλανθρωπικό δρόμο 5χλμ εις μνήμη του Διευθυντή της Cablenet κ.Ανδρέα Μαυρίδη και παιδικό αγώνα δρόμου 800 μ.
Στον αγώνα των 5 χλμ δικαίωμα συμμετοχής έχουν άτομα από 16 ετών και άνω και στον αγώνα σκυταλοδρομίας 2 Χ 2χλμ άτομα 12 χρονών και άνω. Για άτομα κάτω των 18 χρονών απαιτείται συναίνεση γονέα. Οι εγγραφές θα γίνονται μόνο διαδικτυακά στο www.dromearacing.com/races. Οι εγγραφές ανοίγουν στις 16 Iουλίου και κλείνουν στις 2 Σεπτεμβρίου. Όσοι συμμετέχοντες εγγραφούν μέχρι τις 26 Αυγούστου, θα έχουν τη ευκαιρία να εκτυπωθεί το όνομα τους στον αριθμό συμμετοχής τους, τον οποίο θα μπορούν να παραλάβουν από οποιοδήποτε κατάστημα ACS Courier της επιλογής τους.
Το κόστος συμμετοχής ανά αγώνα έχει ως ακολούθως:
- Αγώνας 5χλμ - €10
- Αγώνας σκυταλοδρομίας 2Χ2χλμ - €15 κάθε ομάδα
- Εταιρικός αγώνας 5χλμ - €200 κάθε Οργανισμός με μέγιστο αριθμό συμμετεχόντων τα 25 άτομα. Για κάθε εγγραφή πέραν των 25 ατόμων, θα υπάρχει χρέωση €5 ανά άτομο. Όλα τα έσοδα του εταιρικού αγώνα θα διατεθούν στο Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Κύπρου.
- Αγώνας 800 μ για παιδιά μέχρι 12 ετών, με δωρεάν συμμετοχή.
Όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες θα λάβουν αναμνηστικό μετάλλιο του αγώνα με τον τερματισμό τους.

To Δρο.Με.Α Racing μέσω της διοργάνωσης έχει ως στόχο τη δημιουργία ευκαιριών κοινωνικού αθλητισμού σε όλη την κοινωνία, ενώ θέλει παράλληλα να στείλει και ένα ηχηρό μήνυμα προστασίας των πάρκων της Κύπρου, τα οποία αποτελούν πνεύμονες οξυγόνου και ιδανικούς χώρους για αθλητισμό σε κάθε πόλη.

Μέγας Χορηγός του Δρο.Με.Α Racing 2019 είναι η Cablenet. Η εκδήλωση υποστηρίζεται από το Φυσικό Μεταλλικό Νερό ΚΥΚΚΟΣ, την Webarts, την ICE POWER, τη ΘΕΟΠΙΣΤΗ Nut Butters, την ACS Courier και το ΤΜΗΜΑ ΔΑΣΩΝ.  Η εκδήλωση τελεί κάτω από την αιγίδα της ΚΟΕΑΣ

Διαδικτυακή εγγραφή μπορεί να γίνει ΜΟΝΟ από την ιστοσελίδα του Σωματείου στο www.dromearacing.com. Παραλαβή των αριθμών για όσους συμμετέχοντες εγγραφούν μετά τις 26 Αυγούστου θα γίνει μεταξύ 7:00 – 8:30 πμ την ημέρα του αγώνα.
Μέγας χορηγός του αγώνα είναι η CableNet.

Dro.Me.A. Racing Club is organising its 10th annual CABLENET Run the Park at Athalassa National Park in Nicosia on September the 7th, 2019, at 9.00 a.m.

The event includes a 5km race, a 2X2Km relay, a charity 5km Corporate race in memory of Cablenet's Director Mr. Andreas Mavrides and a 800m kids race.
The 5km race is open to runners over the age of 16 and the relay 2X2Km race is open to runners over the age of 12. Parent consent is required for those under the age of 18.
Registrations open on the 16th of July and close on the 2nd of September and can be done only online at the following link www.dromearacing.com/races.
Those who will register until the 26th of August will have the chance to have their name printed on their BIB, which they can receive from any ACS shop of their choice.
Registration fees are as follows:
- 5KM race - €10
- 2X2km race - €15 per team
- 5Km Corporate Race - €200 for each Organization with a maximum number of participants 25 people. For every registration above this number a fee of €5 will be charged. All proceeds from the Corporate race will be donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Cyprus.
- 800 m race for children up to 12 years old with free registration.

All participants will receive a medal at the finish line.

The event not only aims at promoting social sport in the local society but it also sends out a loud message for the protection of Cyprus parks, which offer gorgeous natural surroundings, ideal for outdoor sporting activities.

Main Sponsor of Dro.Me.A Racing 2019 is Cablenet. The event is supported by KYKKOS Water, Webarts, Ice Power, Theopisti Nuts Butter, ACS Courier and The Forest Department.  The event is placed under the auspices of KOEAS.

Online registrations can be done at dromearacing.com. For those who will register after the 26th of August Bibs will be collected on the day of the race between 7:00 – 8:30 am.
Major race sponsor is CableNet.

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