
Dro.Me.A. Racing: The word Dro.Me.A. which refers to the Greek word ‘Runner’ is actually an acronym of the words ‘Long Distance Runners’, the three words that define the people who make up this club.

Running is perhaps the most popular, in terms of participation, oldest and simplest sport in the world. It is the most natural form of physical activity. It does not require expensive equipment; you can do it everywhere and under all circumstances. 

Council 23 - 25

Council 21- 23

Council 19 - 21

Council 16 - 18

Council 14 - 16

Council 12 - 14

Council 10 - 12

Council 09 - 11

Establishment 2008

The Founders:

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Signing of the statute and submission of the application for the registration of the association: From right: Doros Mygiakis, George Loukaidis, Stelios Ioannou

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Our founders from right to left: Doros Miyiakis, Kostas Patinios, Nikos Sourmelis, Giorgos Loukaidis, Stelios Ioannou, Christoforos Protopapas.